$stateProvider.state(stateName, stateConfig)
stateConfig包含的字段:template, templateUrl, templateProvider, controller, controllerProvider, resolve, url, params, views, abstract, onEnter, onExit, reloadOnSearch, data
$urlRouteProvider.when(whenPath, toPath)
$state.go(to, [,toParams],[,options])
形参options可空,类型是对象,字段包括:location为bool类型默认true,inherit为bool类型默认true, relative为对象默认$state.$current,notify为bool类型默认为true, reload为bool类型默认为false
ui-sref=’stateName({param:value, param:value})’
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uitest +--index.html +--app.js +--lib +--angular.js +--angular-ui-router.js +--angular-state-helper.js +--tpls +--content.html +--about.html +--header.html +--home.html ... |
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<div ui-view="header"></div> <div ui-view="body"></div> |
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<nav class="navbar navbar-inverse"> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="navbar-header"> <button class="navbar-toggle collapsed" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#bs-example-navbar-collapse-1"> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> </button> <a href="" ui-sref=".home" class="navbar-brand">Home</a> </div> <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="bs-example-navbar-collapse-1"> <ul class="nav navbar-nav"> <li> <a ui-sref=".photos">Photos</a> </li> <li> <a ui-sref=".photos.list">PhotoList</a> </li> <li> <a ui-sref=".about">About</a> </li> </ul> <ul class="nav navbar-nav"> <li> <a ui-sref=".product">Product</a> </li> <li> <a ui-sref=".product.list">ProductList</a> </li> <li> <a ui-sref=".product.detail">ProductDetail</a> </li> </ul> <ul class="nav navbar-nav"> <li> <a ui-sref=".params({id:1,type:'search',repeat:9})">ui-sref传递params</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </nav> |
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<h2>我是content/home</h2> |
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<h1>各种传参</h1> 访问导航传过来的参数为 <pre> {{params}} </pre> <ul> <li><aui-sref=".test/">params1</a></li> <li><aui-sref=".test/">params2</a></li> <li><aui-sref=".test/">params3</a></li> <li><aui-sref=".test/">params4</a></li> <li><aui-sref=".test/">params5</a></li> <li><aui-sref=".test/">params6</a></li> <li><aui-sref=".test/">params7</a></li> <li><aui-sref=".test/">params8</a></li> <li><aui-sref=".test/">params9</a></li> </ul> |
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<h1>各种传参</h1> <p>接收到的参数为<br/>params1:{{params1}},params2:{{params2}}</p> <div class="collapse navbar-collapse"> <ul class="nav navbar-nav"> <li> <a ui-sref="^.photos">Photos</a> </li> <li> <a ui-sref="^.photos.list">PhotoList</a> </li> </ul> </div> |
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var myApp = angular.module("myApp", ["ui.router", 'ui.router.stateHelper']); /** * 使用$urlRouterProvider时,url的写法是很随意的 * * 我们现在的定义是content的url为'/' * 而content.home的url为'home' * 当访问content.home是,浏览器的路径便是'/home' * * * 如果我们一开始定义content的url为'/content'或(/index) * 而content.home的url为'/home'或(home) * 当访问content.home是,浏览器的路径便是'/content/home'或(/indexhome) * 如果我们一开始定义content的url为'/content' * 而content.home的url为'home' * 当访问content.home是,浏览器的路径便是'/contenthome'\ * * 意思就是,url是随意的,当每一个state都没有定义url时,访问任何state都是http://! * 当访问嵌套state时,后面部分的url实际上就是从父级到子集定义的url的字符串拼接 * * 但如果我们都不定义url时,别人通过网址的方式访问,程序不知道到底该进入哪个state * 但如果像这样 * stateHelperProvider.state({ name: 'product', parent:'content', url:'product', views:{ "body@content":{templateUrl: 'tpls/product.html'} }, children: [ { name: 'detail', url:'/detail', templateUrl: 'tpls/product-detail.html' }, { name: 'list', url:'/list', templateUrl: 'tpls/product-list.html' } ] }); * 当我们访问/product时,会进入state为product的模块,因为它是父模块 * * 但如果我们像这样定义, * stateHelperProvider.state({ name: 'product', parent:'content', url:'/product', views:{ "body@content":{templateUrl: 'tpls/product.html'} }, children: [ { name: 'detail', url:'/detail', templateUrl: 'tpls/product-detail.html' }, { name: 'list', url:'/detail', templateUrl: 'tpls/product-list.html' } ] }); 当访问/product/detail时,就会出错,因为两个兄弟模块用了同一个url,路由不知道进入哪一个 */ myApp.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider,stateHelperProvider){ $urlRouterProvider.otherwise('/home'); $stateProvider.state('content',{ url: '/', //abstract:true, //如果一个state,没有通过链接找到它,那就可以把这个state设置为abstract:true //当一个state设置为抽象,如果通过ui-sref或路由导航到该state会出现什么结果呢? //会导航到默认路由上 views:{ "":{templateUrl: 'tpls/content.html'}, "header@content":{templateUrl: 'tpls/header.html'} } }) .state('content.home',{ url: 'home', views:{ "body@content":{templateUrl: 'tpls/home.html'} } }) .state('content.photos',{ url: 'photos', views:{ "body@content":{templateUrl: 'tpls/photos.html'} } }) .state('content.photos.list',{ url: '/list', templateUrl: 'tpls/photos-list.html' }) .state('content.photos.detail',{ url: '/detail', templateUrl: 'tpls/photos-detail.html', controller: function($scope){ $scope.title = '我是详情页'; } }) .state('content.photos.detail.comment',{ url: '/comment', templateUrl: 'tpls/photos-detail-comment.html', controller: function(){ this.title = '我是详情评论页'; }, controllerAs: 'contact'//为controller取别名 }) //使用stateHelperProvider时,可以不用写url,功能正常,但是地址栏没变化 stateHelperProvider.state({ name: 'product', parent:'content', url:'product', views:{ "body@content":{templateUrl: 'tpls/product.html'} }, children: [ { name: 'detail', url:'/detail', templateUrl: 'tpls/product-detail.html', children: [ { name: 'dcomment', templateUrl: 'tpls/product-detail-comment.html' } ] }, { name: 'list', url:'/list', templateUrl: 'tpls/product-list.html', children: [ { name: 'lcomment', templateUrl: 'tpls/product-list-comment.html' } ] } ] }); //可以先定义好路由对象再传入state var contacts = { name: 'content.about', url:'about', views:{ "body@content":{ templateUrl: 'tpls/about.html', controller: function Ctrl($scope,$state){ //页面接收传递过来的参数 console.log($state.current.data.customData1); // outputs 5; console.log($state.current.data.customData2); // outputs "blue"; $scope.params1 = $state.current.data.customData1; $scope.params2 = $state.current.data.customData2; } } }, //访问路由时顺带传递参数 data: { customData1: 5, customData2: "blue" } } $stateProvider.state(contacts); //可以先定义好路由对象再传入state var paramstate = { name: 'content.params', url:'params/:id/{type}/{repeat:[0-9]+}?from&to', views:{ "body@content":{ templateUrl: 'tpls/params.html', controller: function($scope,$stateParams){ console.log($stateParams); $scope.params = $stateParams; } } } } $stateProvider.state(paramstate); }) // myApp.controller('myCtrl',['$rootScope','$scope',function($rootScope,$scope){ // //所有的路由改变事件都需要用$rootScope进行监听 // //$stateChangeStart // //$stateNotFound // //$stateChangeSuccess - fired once the state transition is complete. // //$stateChangeError // //$viewContentLoading - fired once the view begins loading, // //before the DOM is rendered. The '$rootScope' broadcasts the event // //$viewContentLoaded - fired once the view is loaded, after the DOM is rendered. // //The '$scope' of the view emits the event. // $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', // function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams, options){ // console.log(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams, options); // }) // }]) |